Students sit in five lines of desks in a classroom in this 9.5" x 7.5" black and white photograph, while three teenage girls stand in the back of the room. The room has a tin ceiling and a door in the center of the back wall. Framed photographs can be seen on the classroom walls, along with an American flag on the left side of the room. The students in the left line of desks are Genzine Wolzen, Pearl Carlson (Mrs. Paul Anderson), and Gust Lindstrom. In the next line are Irene Hopkins, Evelyn Sall, Ardyce Lindstrom (Woolen), Elsie Eckhart, and Ame Wolzen. In the third line are Keith Woolen, Pauline Sall, and John Wolzen. The students in the fourth line are Helen Lindstrom, Harry Knopp, Loren Lund, and Carl Lindstrom. Eugene Lindstrom and Andrew Thompson sit in the line on the right side of the room. Standing in the back of the room are Ollie Woolen, Isla Hopkins, and Adelia Thompson.