This 9 1/2" x 7 1/4" black and white photograph shows a group of students and teacher posed for a portrait. There are eight girls, three boys, and a female teacher. The children in the back row are standing, and those in the front row are seated, with the girls holding bouquets of flowers. Each student is holding a rolled diploma. The girls and the teacher wear long dresses and boots with laces; the boys wear dark suits.
Omaha Public School Archive Collection / Educational Research Library
Local Accession/Call Number
Archive Files: Corrigan School File
Historical Notes
The Corrigan School eighth grade graduates, class of 1920, and their teacher, are as follows: Back row, left to right: Joe Bruckner, Margaret Megel, John Maslowsky, Miss Jean Berger, Lydia Fingerlos, and Irene Swanson Front row, left to right: Rose Hlecek, Catherine Starr, Bessie Volenec, Emil Tourek, Margaret Buscher, and Lillian Weber.