Auditorium and industrial building, Ingleside Hospital for the Insane
The auditorium in this 6-1/2" x 4" black and white plate is a two-story building with front and side porches and dormers. In the second-story round windows sit above square windows. At the front corner of the building a light fixture hangs from a tall pole.
Nebraska. Board of Commissioners of State Institutions
Excerpted from: "Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Superintendent of the Ingleside Hospital for the Insane" In Second Biennial Report of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions to the Governor and Legislature of the State of Nebraska for the Biennium Ending November 30, 1916 (Lincoln: Nebraska Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, 1914), plate between pp. 220-221.
Historical Notes
The Auditorium was used for a variety of events and entertainment. Friday evenings there were movies, Tuesday evenings there were parties, and on Sunday afternoons, pastors from churches in Hastings alternately offered chapel services. Employees and patients also formed a brass band and an orchestra.