The former Farmers and Merchants National Bank building dating from 1882 is now the home for Phelps Cigar Store, 151 Sixth Street, Eagle's Bakery and a millinery store known as the Spence Shop. Among the second floor offices is that of "Dr.C.N. Rathburn, Dentist." The third floor houses the Centennial Lodge #59 of the I.O.O.F. or Independent Order of the Odd Fellows. Phelps offers cigar brands such as "Mozart", which is prominently advertised above the front entry, as well as "Muriel" and "Henry the Fourth." Papers and magazines are on display in front of the store and a male shopper pauses to investigate. A weight scales and a cast iron drinking fountain are also seen nearby. Petrow's Fremont Candy Kitchen is located to the south in the two story Weilund Block. "Lunches", "Homemade Candies and Ice Cream", and "Fruits" are sold here. The Lee and Havens building may be seen to the west on Sixth Street. Here is found a business for "Real Estate" and "Insurance" as well as Krasne Brothers, a shop for ladies' furnishings and millinery. Across the alley from the Krasne store is a two story building, the location of Buehler Brothers, a wholesale and retail meat market. This image was photographed from the intersection of Sixth and Main Streets. Brick pavement, cast iron electrolier street lamps, and parked automobiles are all part of the scene. A "football" banner blows in the wind and a Model T is parked at the right near the corner. It carries a sign in its front window "F.F.D. Chief", indicating it belongs to the Fremont Fire Department chief. Two movie advertising posters illustrate the current attractions "White Money" with Barbara LaMarr is seen on the left. The other is Constance Talmadge in "Her Sister From Paris".