Student nurses' lounge, Immanuel Deaconess Institute
This black and white photograph shows the student nurses' lounge at the Immanuel Deaconess Institute. There are several women shown, some of whom are wearing nurses' uniforms. Several framed pictures are hanging on the walls. A mirror is located on the right hand side of the room, above the bookcase. A phonograph, also on the right, has a vase with flowers on it. Many of the chairs in the room are wooden rocking chairs. There is a sofa in the background and a wooden bench in the foreground. Three large rugs cover the wooden floor. The windows along the left wall are covered with sheer curtains and draperies. A radiator stands between two of the windows.
Original format: black and white photographic print, 9.5 x 7.5 inches.
Historical Notes
This photograph was used in the 1928 School of Nursing yearbook. The nurses' home was originally the deaconess residence and later became an employees' residence. It was used as the nurses' home starting around 1922, when a new deaconess residence opened, to 1944, when the first School of Nursing unit opened.