Illinois Central Bridge over Missouri River at Omaha, Neb. : the two longest draw spans in the world
Color postcard (14 x 9 cm) titled "Illinois Central Bridge over the Missouri River at Omaha, Neb. The Two Longest Draw Spans in the World." The view shows the bridge in the distance and in the foreground the bank on the left side of the image, a sand bar, and the Missouri River.
The Illinois Central Bridge is located over the Missouri River at 28th Street & Woodland Avenue, east of Abbott Drive, in Omaha, Nebraska. In the late 1880s under the leadership of E. H. Harriman the Illinois Central began expanding toward the west. They constructed branches from its line across Iowa to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Omaha, Nebraska, reaching Omaha in 1899. As of 2006 the bridge is still standing but no longer in use. The swing span remains in the open position to accommodate barge traffic. Source: Illinois Central Web Site and Don Snoddy, Retired Historian for the Union Pacific Railroad.