Color postcard (14 x 9 cm) with a view of The Lindell Hotel located on the northwest corner of 13th and M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. The view is looking northwest. It is a four story building with a conical top over the bay windows all the way up the corner of the building. There is a balcony on the south and east sides over the main entry area. A horse and buggy are on the left side of the image. The lower part of the card has a white border with the caption "The Lindell Hotel, Lincoln, Nebr." in the lower left.
The Lindell Hotel was located at the northwest corner of Thirteenth and M Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. "This is a pleasant, quiet, home-like place, new and tidy, and managed by Dr. A. L. Hoover and his son, Mr. S. C. Hoover, under the firm title of Hoover & Son. It is a favorite resort for people who wish excellent accommodations away from the noise and disturbance of the business part of the city. The site of the Lindell has been a hotel location for twenty years. In 1869 J. N. Townley opened a boarding-house there, which was managed by John Douglas for a short time before he took charge of the "Douglas House" at Eleventh and P streets. The property passed through various vicissitudes, and finally came into the hands of Dr. Hoover, in 1885, who removed the old frame to one side for a kitchen and erected a brick structure in 1886, which the growing business of the house required to be enlarged in 1888. It has a capacity of over 100 guests, and is furnished with the leading hotel conveniences. It discards a bar." Source: Hayes, Arthur Bradley. History of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Company, 1889. p. 188